Friday, February 25, 2011

Out Of The Closet

No sewing news today. Yesterday and today I was busy preparing for some kind of job fair / interview for Bank of America. Last night I pondered what to wear - I fancied a change from the suit I normally wear... so I rummaged in the closet.

I remembered buying a Calvin Klein suit in an interesting green colour some time ago. I remember it needed adjusting but I was curious... I also vaguely remembered getting some Pierre Cardin and wondered if it was that green suit and I was not remembering the label...

Well, Mr Green was CK. I also discovered I had a whole Pierre Cardin black pinstripe I'd completely forgotten! (well, other than that vague recollection). I also discovered a separate Zegna jacket that will go nicely with a pair of plain black trousers.

Both fit nicely, so yay to finding forgotten treasures! :)

Here's a pic... nice purple shirt and tie, shiney black shoes (Tanino Crisci, wearing a little thin on the soles now)

EDIT: don't ask why I need rotating. I rotated the photo in Paintshop Pro but Blogger for some reason keeps rotating it so I'm sideways again!

For the record the job event turned out to be a waste of time! They weren't real jobs, just 1 month contracts and processing data for the IRS not BOA! After filling out half a dozen forms (with assistance) it became clear why they hadn't shown us the job descriptions before we turned up, though not for want of us trying to get hold of them!

Never, onward and upward as they say, hopefully to the Rochester job.


  1. I'd say you'd had a few too many G&T's and that's why you're sideways! hehe! ;)

    Sorry the job fair was a lost cause. Still got my finger's crossed for Rochester!

  2. I know you might not get to read this for a while, but it'll be a nice surprise for you when you do!

  3. I'm sure that was disappointing, but as I always tell my son, you clean up nicely! LOL Even sideways, you look very business-like.

    Sadly, I have to come back for March and onward tomorrow because I just remembered something I forgot to do today that MUST be done tonight. (sticking tongue out) But I WILL be back!
